Spring 2024, 12 March - 12 April - Group show - Io (io) Casino - Judit Gaset - Laura Maresc - Agusti Puig - Text Aminda Saludes, curator Works on paper, paintings, sculpture and ceramics.
As with all the exhibitions I have curated over the last 20 years, I recognize that my instincts and acquired knowledge, go beyond established norms or rules when deciding what criteria to use for the conception of each exhibition. The works of art, my natural inclinations and curiosity to try other avenues, dictate the positioning of each piece within the space.
In this case, I have chosen to base the exhibition on a deliberately minimalist concept, designed to contrast with the artist Agustí Puig's last exhibition "encara les llibres".
These works, more austere in their conception, lighter in their visual aspect and different in colors and sizes, contrast brutally with the paintings of earthy tones, marked lines and powerful strokes of the large-format paintings of the above mentioned preceding exhibition. The narrative bases itself on the exploration of different themes, since in the previous case, the works were focused on the human figure and this time centers more on the abstract.
The artworks have been chosen from the gallery's collection, and put together to create this group show organized around 14 pieces, all unique, with different aesthetic languages, contrasting sizes and various artistic disciplines such as painting, sculpture, drawing and ceramics. A rich dialogue emerges between the diferents techniques and styles of contemporary art, contrasting the conceptual work of visual and sound artist Io Casino, Gaset's architectural aesthetics, the arte povera of Laura Maresc and the abstract expressionism represented by Puig's pieces gathered and standing in a space of their own in the gallery window.
On dispaly are the meditations of artist Io (io) Casino with two large works and a precious miniature.
They pertain to the Stages of Life series, all composed with ink and metallic pen, and acrylic on paper, and created on the basis of repetition of pattern and motion, and on the philosophy of the ancient and medieval eras discussed in Hindu texts, on stages of life. The four asramas corresponding to each stratum of the drawing starting from the lower layer, represent the path of life of learning, productivity, delegation and renunciation.
The immediately recognizable work of the sculptor Judit Gaset, for the elements used in these two small works such as stairs, arrows, windows, doors, plans and sometimes letters. All these components are part of her predominantly sculptural language, and of her drawings which constitute the basis of her practice for the creation of the extraordinary, sometimes fantastical and magical pieces made in iron, stoneware and refractory.
Exhibited are two works on 100% cotton paper, beautifully and delicately illuminated in soft colors and form part of a 4 piece series called Architecture.
Laura Maresc incorporates different organic and inorganic materials in her work and her practice is firmly rooted in the tradition of the "objet trouvé", where materials give new layers of meaning to works of art. Exhibited, the sculpture Prelude B from the NIU (NEST) series, in wood, iron and wool, and two small-format works in light tones, in acrylic, iron and cotton.
Finally, we have included six works by the artist Agustí Puig. Two magnificent bronzes "Man finding his way" and "Head of wise man. Like other reknowened artists such as Tapies, Subirachs, Chillida and Joan Miró, Aguti Puig also used the foundry of Parellada, near Barcelona for his sculptures. Two medium format pictorial pieces and two engobe ceramic pieces.
Sculpture, like painting and ceramics are part of the universe of this artist of international projection and one of the living artists among the greatest exponents of Catalan painting.
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